Congratulations! The fact that you are looking at this probably means that you are going to be married. We wish you well in your planning and preparation for this important change in your lives. May God bless you through each other. These days there are many possible venues for weddings. So, why get married in church? In a church wedding you make your promises and vows consciously asking God to be with you in the promises you make, and in your marriage.
A church wedding is a good way to begin a Christian marriage. Everything we do in church weddings is done in the belief that God is with us, and that God’s presence makes all the difference. Trinity is part of the United Reformed Church. Our policy is that anyone who is legally free to marry, and seeks to do so relying on the love and forgiveness of God can be married in our church. In other words, people who have been divorced can get married in our church.
The minister will talk with you about why your previous marriage failed, and what you have learnt from that experience. If you are thinking of getting married at Trinity, we strongly recommend that you come to morning worship at 10.30 on any Sunday to meet us and see how we do things. You will be made very welcome whatever your circumstances.
What we offer
We will support you in preparing for your wedding and for your marriage. We will ask you to meet with the minister three or four times in the months before your wedding. The timing and subject for each of these meetings is generally as follows:
First Meeting: as soon as possible after you have asked to be married here
- To say why you wish to be married in church.
- To agree a date and time for the wedding.
- To hear what we offer and what we ask of you.
- To find out about legal requirements.
- To give names, address, etc
Second Meeting:
- To look at different aspects of married life and what makes a strong healthy relationship, together with the meaning of the wedding service.
- Those who have come to such sessions in the past have found them relaxed, enjoyable and interesting.
Third Meeting: a few months before your wedding
- To make some practical decisions about your wedding, such as organ, flowers, seating, orders of service, ushers, etc.
- To add more details to our records for your wedding, if available e.g. bridesmaids’ names etc
- To plan the content of your wedding service (music, readings etc).
What we provide:
Our minister to conduct the wedding service, an authorised person to complete the marriage schedule according to legal requirements; a person to operate the sound desk; and an organist.
Photography: We give permission, for your official photographer only, to take photos or video during the service, provided this is done discreetly.
Confetti: Any confetti used MUST be biodegradable.
A rehearsal is held in church a few days before the wedding, primarily for the couple; others involved in the service are welcome to attend if they can. Fees must be received a month prior to the wedding in order for the wedding to take place.
Costs and Payment
Use of Sanctuary | £200 |
Conducting and arranging wedding | £90 |
Organist | £70 |
Authorised person | £50 |
Person operating sound system | £60 |
TOTAL | £470 |
Fees must be received a month prior to your wedding
The legal side of your wedding
Your wedding is both a religious and a legal ceremony. The Church is registered for marriages, but you are responsible for giving adequate notice to the Registry Offices in the areas where you both live. Each of you will need the legal document for which you must give 28 days’ clear notice. You should do this as soon as you can (but NOTE you cannot give notice more than a year before your wedding). The legal document should be given to the minister or Church Authorised Person once you have received it. The legal side of your marriage should be dealt with early on in your preparations, because without the legal documentation the marriage cannot take place.
Please contact:
Beaconsfield Old Town Registration Office, 29 Windsor End, Beaconsfield HP9 2JJ. Telephone 01494 475205 or
The church offers its good wishes to you for your marriage and its support for the future. We hope that you will keep in touch and sense your part within the church family. In both your preparations and in the years ahead do not hesitate to contact the minister to discuss any questions or concerns.